Hey, I’m Alexandre.

I’ve been a software engineer since 2010 and hacker since 2004. I have a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering, where I’ve researched Algorithms and Machine Learning and applied to meteorological and agribusiness data. Also, I built a framework for creating poker bots that learn as they play against each other. I founded 2 startups, worked for multiple others. Currently, I am leading the Ads team as a Staff Software Engineer at Firework.com.

My interests include server-side applications, optimization, algorithms, machine learning, recruiting, mentoring. I have professional experience in various technologies including Elixir, Phoenix, Erlang, Ruby, Rails, Linux, SQL, Redis, AWS ecosystem, Python and Javascript. I also have experience in other languages such as C, C#, Java, Lua.

When I’m not on my computer, you will find me kitesurfing, playing guitar or having a barbecue with some friends.

kitesurfing kitesurfing kitesurfing